Patrick will be starring in the Last Cyclist at the West End Theater this May - June. Click here for info

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Being nice goes a long way people...

The holidays always throw things into some sort of disarray.  Hence updating now.  I know a lot has gone on, but as I sit here now trying to type it all out I keep thinking, "man! I'm doing nothing."

But here is a quick update first....

Well first off, the scripts for Macbeth are ready to pick up. I'm excited, can you tell I'm excited?  For many reasons, but one of the biggest is that I feel this is a sign that my career is moving towards bigger and better things.  Especially in the area of professionalism.  The past 3 projects I've worked on, Fringe, The Radio show, and well..Macbeth to be..have all been on a level of professionalism that starting out in NY was in short supply.  It's nice to be in actual studios and not meeting at a loud bar for a production meeting.  I love bars, don't get me wrong.  But time and place, you know?  So the wonderful people at American Globe contacted me last night saying the scripts are in.  I cannot wait to read their cuts and begin memorizing and working.  It's also an ideal situation for prep work.  We don't start rehearsals in earnest until February.  So who'll be off-book?  This guy.  It's a good way to enter the holiday season, with something on the horizon.

Which leads me to say: The holidays can be rough for actors, dancers, artists!!!!

For those of you I've met that are just starting out and looking for advice, and even for people who've been toiling away for years, remember that this time of year is SLOW.  So don't panic.  As the song says, "It's the holiday season, well whoop-de-doo."  Just take it easy.  Use this time to research agents, CD's, take a class. See shows!  (The Elf is on Broadway right now and I just can't help myself.)  Especially all you stage actors...student films are scrambling to finish before the end of the semester.  Or they're casting for Jan. projects.  There is work, even in slow times, but you have to look.

And now the real meat of this post.......  

I've also been meaning to post about being nice.  I love NY.  It's fast paced.  You can feel the buzz of the city.  People think we're mean.  Let me just say that New Yorkers are some of the nicest people in the world.  And I mean it.  It's not they we're mean, we're just always in a hurry.  Or thinking about the next few days worth of things to accomplish.  That being said, you don't always see the niceness. It's there, just hidden under coats and scarves....

So the same day I had my fight callback for American Globe, I was to audition for a student film at SVA.  The gentleman calling me in was actually a contact from twitter.  Hello social networking you crazy fad you.  It was nice to meet an actually tweep?  Is that the right term?  Anyway, to say I blew it is an understatement.  I felt horrible for doing so poorly in front of someone who was kind enough to invite me in.  I don't know if it was the adrenaline of the callback still flowing through my post sword holding muscles or the fact that I nailed it and was in a cloud of..well...Nailed it! Euphoria.  But, I blew it.  Could not concentrate.  You've all been there.  Lines just fell out of my mouth.  And a sci-fi horror film was not something I could sink my teeth into after feeling so giddy.

Well, I received a Thank You email!  You get them once in a while.  Most people don't bother to say thanks but no thanks.  But this guy took the time to say we're sorry we didn't cast you but thanks for coming in.  That little extra makes all the difference.  So thank you!  And on top of that, he graciously offered me an under 5.  So it was not all lost.  But still.  Even after walking in and basically letting the words fall out of my mouth onto the floor in a steaming pile of talentlessness, they thanked me and asked me to still be a part of the film, just as a different character.  I'll take it.

So see, people are nice.  And I really wish more people would contact us saying thank you, but no thank you.  It helps too because sometimes you just never know.  You'll be waiting for weeks thinking...I still have a shot...months even.  The thank you but no thank you helps you let go and move on.

Ah, niceness.  Be nice people!!

And now I think I should probable shut down as apparently there is a massive rain/wind storm outside.  Time to break out the yellow legal pad and write.


  1. Picking up the script might be one of my favorite parts of the whole process. Everything's so new and exciting! Do you know the performance dates for this show? I've never seen a production of Macbeth and its one of my favorites - and when I'm home I'm only a short ride away from the big apple!

    I totally know that 'words falling out of your mouth feeling'. When I found out I was cast in my first college production as a lead - I had a huge placement exam immediately after. I basically skipped into classroom and midway through the test I had to give it back to the teacher and walk out. I could not focus for the life of me!

    But i've gotta disagree with you on the Thank You e-mails though. When I suck, I don't like to be reminded. As nice as they're trying to come off in their message - I always have this little voice in the back of my head saying 'they're totally shitting you, they just don't want you to jump off a cliff'. I like repressing memories haha I have yet to get used to rejection.

    Let me know how Elf is if you see it!

  2. I totally hear ya on the professionalism front. It's such a breath of fresh creative air when you realize that something is well put together and full of talented professionals...who rehearse in studio space. :)

    Sorry about the blown audition...but I guess we wouldn't recognize a good one without the bad, huh? I, too, love a good thank you email. Even more than that, I love feedback! I've only had a few take the time to give it and it was immeasurably helpful. But, ah well. I guess we just have to keep being the nice, helpful ones and hope that it rubs off on others.

    Keep up the good work. Love the new location!


    I don't know the dates yet, but I'll be sure to let you know! It's a short version, so might be a good intro to Macbeth.

    and it does take time to develop that thick skin, you'll get there.

  4. @Sarah e Jacobs

    Trying a new hack with my blog to reply to comments...let me know if you got this response...

    thanks for the compliment on the URL and you're right about feedback. It's good to just hear back, but the constructive criticism...that's where the money is baby!

  5. Just keep submitting if you see something you feel suitable for. Eventually, you will get the part that you will enjoy working on.
