Patrick will be starring in the Last Cyclist at the West End Theater this May - June. Click here for info

Friday, March 11, 2011

1918 The radio show is live!

It's been some time since I've last posted.  It happens.  I went away for some much needed sun and relaxing.  Be jealous all of NY, very jealous.  The day of departure it snowed...again.  Landed in sun.  It was a nice respite from work and swords and cold.  But now I'm back and have jumped right back into the thick of it.  Which for some reason is thicker than before.

So I'm back in rehearsals which are going really well.  We've started full runs and we still have a week and a half of rehearsals before opening.  Someone is in a good place.  Although last night's rehearsal was a bit of a..where am I? kinda rehearsal.  I'm pretty sure I said all my lines, perhaps not in the right order.  But they were there.  intention?  See that open window? Right out.  Even the Macbeth/Macduff fight, which I've felt really confident in, last night was a bit off.  But again we are in a good place. We are in a good place.  Tonight is another combat rehearsal and then I have some major line work to do.

In other news, and perhaps more timely, episode 1 of 1918 is out there live for you all to hear!!!

And here is the Link!

I'm quite proud of ep 1.  next week, episode 2.  So hurry up and listen and get ready.  If you all download on ITUNES.  Just saying.

We've also already got our first review of the piece which you can read right here.

I quite like this quote "her brainy Allied scientist sidekick, Henry Isotope rendered with hilarious aplomb by classical thespian Patrick Pizzolorouso" 

Thank you Captain Radio.  Thank you. Depending on how we're received and feed back and all that great stuff, we will get to continue making more seasons.  So please, share.  Tell the world.  Enjoy!  And thank you for the support!

In a completely different direction I had a very productive yet frustrating workshop with Mark Gindick...Amazing Clown and friend.  I'm trying to set a piece to the Hungarian Rhapsody.  I've got the kernel of the idea but it needs a ton of fleshing out.  I always find it intimidating working with him because I'll say something and then he'll do it.  Flawlessly.  But much headway was made.  It's not the type of clowning you're thinking of.  I had a guest sitting in the rehearsal space with me who is not a fan of clowns, but soon realized this was red nose, not white face circusy "IT" clowns.  They calmed down and kinda enjoyed it.  A lot.
So I think I have good ideas, it's a matter of turning the ideas into a full fledged story.  And cutting down my music.  It's WAY too long.  But thank you garage band.

So it's been a long week and soon to be another.  But today is a full free day of...well..learning lines.  But at least it's not a tempest like last night here in NYC.  Right?

And lastly...this is turning into to a list of things.  But I met with the ever busy Sarah to finally get the ball rolling on her website.  She is one of the most consistently working actresses I know.  And just working in general.  But she has no online presence, save for her blog.  That will change.  Oh yes.  We both managed to meet up for an hour between clowns and swords and rehearsals and talked about some basics behind what she is looking for.  So hopefully that will be up and running within the next month or so.

And now off to run lines.  Lines Lines Lines

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